Justice Is Served Blog
By Kiani Perera
Justice is Served’ is a groundbreaking mixed media production, a captivating fusion of radio and stage elements, scripted by Anthony Wright (known as Tony) and masterfully directed by Robert Marrable. This innovative theatrical endeavour emerged from Barddgriot Productions, finding its roots in meticulous research and development at the Welsh Millennium Centre. The motivation behind Tony’s writing stems from profound themes of race, identity, and father-son relationships, which consistently resonate in his work. Tony’s father Victor Wright, a Jamaican coal miner who migrated to Wales in the 1950s and held conservative views while working in the coal mines during a tumultuous strike. Tony felt compelled to delve into this complex familial and socio-political dynamic. Tony’s exploration led him to engage with remaining black miners, whose experiences profoundly influenced the narrative; some of whom’s experiences are as follows: Clyde Ford's shared poignant reflections on the pervasive discrimination within the mining communit, Victor Wright's nostalgic recollection of the camaraderie and joy amidst the toil, and the heartfelt plea from Idris Philips, underscore the significance of preserving their stories. These voices serve as a poignant reminder of the resilience and sacrifices of these courageous men and all miners, compelling him to continue amplifying their narratives as a testament to their enduring legacy. Securing funding from Arts Council Wales to research and develop the piece, he collaborated with director Robert Marrable. Tony always seeking innovation, conceived the idea of blending conventions of radio and stage. Tafsila Khan of Blindspot Consultancy made Tony aware that a radio element to the production welcomes those with visual impairments to enjoy the show. Alongside Marrable and sound engineer Mark Standfield, they meticulously crafted the work to provide audiences with a multi-sensory experience. Seamlessly blending dramatic stage performances with immersive soundscapes, they transported listeners into the claustrophobic and dangerous environment of the coal mine, evoking the sensory journey of a miner through darkness and sound. With a modest team of nine actors and a few supporting crew members behind the scenes. The production team's days were consumed with rehearsing and recording lines, with the audio component taking precedence in the initial stages. Subsequently, our rehearsals transitioned to the Oakdale Miners Institute, located at St. Fagans National Museum of History. Over the course of four weeks, this space transformed into our home base, fostering a sense of kinship among the cast and crew; where we worked tirelessly to bring Tony’s writing to life. The venue buzzed with activity as actors gathered for round-table script readings, props were being painted, curtains were hemmed, and audio checks were conducted. Amidst the flurry of preparations, a few team members could be seen working on laptops, attending to administrative tasks. Despite the diverse range of responsibilities, the team operated seamlessly, their collective efforts converging to refine the play and breathe life into its every aspect. The sight of specialists from various disciplines collaborating under one roof was refreshing, inspiring and motivating, with the common aim of perfecting ‘Justice is Served’. Our production team was characterised by a sense of camaraderie and joy. The shared experiences and laughter created memories that will endure for a lifetime. From impromptu concerts to comedic sketches, from heartfelt storytelling to the bonds of bromances, the atmosphere was infused with creativity and friendship. Despite these playful moments, everyone understood the importance of professionalism when it came time to deliver ‘Justice is Served’ for our audience, honouring the commitment to do justice to the work and the people involved. Three out of the four shows were completely sold out, with over 300 attendees gracing the doors to witness our live performance "Justice is Served." Our talented actors delivered performances that truly knocked the socks off the audience at every single show. The complexity and depth of the black Welsh miner’s experiences were vividly portrayed through each actor's emotive performance. Our minimalist set seamlessly transported the audience between the live radio studio to underground in a matter of seconds. The journey from rehearsals to the stage was a uniquely wholesome experience, marked by dedication and friendship. We sincerely hope that the chemistry we shared as a team resonated with every single person who had the opportunity to witness our production because, it truly wouldn't have been the same without each and every one of you. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to the success of "Justice is Served." Did you catch one of our shows? Leave Feedback https://www.barddgriot-productions.com/lets_talk